Monday, June 9, 2008

Love Letters

It has been many weeks since I last wrote a blog entry. I have been very ill and needed emergency surgery. I went into the hospital in mid-March and stayed for 17 days. After I came home, I faced a long recovery and return to health. My priority was getting better, stronger, and healthier and I did not take time to do many things I usually enjoy: reading, quilting, and writing about Emme. Now I am much better and am enjoying many things in my daily routine but I am heading into a second surgery, hopefully in mid-July. That has been described to me as "not a piece of cake" and "not a walk in the park" and "major surgery" but not as bad and the original surgery. I should be in the hospital a shorter time and should heal faster.

Now to the title of this blog entry. While I was in the hospital, I had visits from a few Therapy Dogs. One of the owners asked if I was sending my dog a "Love Letter." She described the love letter as a piece of cloth that carried my scent. It sounded like a great idea so I had Ken bring me a wash cloth from home. I rubbed it all over my body and kept it under my hospital gown on my chest for a number of hours during the day. When Ken came to visit, he picked up the Love Letter and took it to Emme. He tells me that she recognized my scent and smelled and played with the wash cloth that night and again the next morning. What a neat idea! I am grateful to the dog owner who described it to me and I will do it again in July when I return to the hospital.

Until that second surgery is over, I don't intend to blog regularly. After the surgery and the next recovery, I will get back to the Pupdate.