Tuesday, February 16, 2010

If I Can't See, I Can't Go

Emme has trouble finding the perfect spot to take care of business in the deep snow. Ken has shoveled a little "Princess Path" so Emme can go outside and not get buried in the snow. Emme has to sniff around to find the perfect spot to pee; finding the right spot for number 2 is a much more daunting chore. She gets down in the shoveled paths and can't see beyond the walls of snow. This seems to throw her off. I don't know if she feels especially vulnerable when she is in the position to take care of business or what the problem is. I just know that she hunkers down to begin and then pops up again to look around. Then she repeats this a few times until she just can't hold it any longer. I think she will be happy when this snow melts. If it ever does.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Two Treats

Emme never licks my face. I often put my face right next to hers and she will sniff me but not lick. She loves to get close and sniff my eye lids or my mouth or ears, but she doesn't lick. That is not the case with Ken. As often as she can, Emme will lick his ears or face. He is always egging Emme on to lick me. "Lick her. Lick her. I'll give you two treats if you lick her." But Emme doesn't. I tell Ken that is because Emme knows that I don't want to be licked. I know where that tongue has been and I don't want it on my face.

That wasn't the case the last time we picked up the dogs from the kennel. After we returned from DC, I carried Emme in my arms out to the car and as soon as we got in the car, she licked my face. UGH! I know she was excited to see me and Ken owes her two treats. But she doesn't need to repeat the lick.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Introducing Calvin Atticus Nuzum - Off Topic

Ken and I just got back from Washington DC to meet our new grandson, Calvin Atticus, who was born on Christmas Day. We had an easy ride to DC last week and then the snow storm they called "Snowmageddon" hit. DC had over two feet of snow and we were snowed in. It didn't really matter because we wanted to meet Calvin and visit with Eric and Katherine and we had plenty of time to do this. We never lost power so we were warm and dry. It was not the visit we expected to have, but it was a great one nevertheless. And Calvin is happy, healthy, and alert. What a great grandson! (and not bad parents, either) I think they are all keepers.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh, Those Smells!

Emme and Rudy love to go out in the grass at the lake house to smell things. They love to sniff around in the grass, which makes taking care of business a lengthy process. I know that we probably get many more wild life visitors there than in Wooster which makes smelling grass way better in Holmes County.

We spent last weekend at the lake house and while we were there we were visited by five deer. Ken looked out the kitchen window and called to me to look out the side yard past the bird feeder. There were three deer in the woods just to the side of our property. As we watched, one of them walked across the lawn to the lake side of our house and stopped at the bird feeder there. That deer was joined by others and at one point we had five deer just feet away from the deck on the lake side of the house. They were fun to watch and I tried not to think how many of my hosta plants they ate last summer. But I am sure that they added to the "wonderful smells" that draw Emme and Rudy.