Thursday, September 28, 2006

First Bath

Tuesday was Emme’s first bath. We had gone to the lake house for the day and she wallowed in the long, wet grass, walked in dirt, ate bugs, investigated the garden and generally had a great time. When we came home, however, she was filthy, so we decided that after dinner we would give her the first bath. This is not the first bath she has had. The breeder bathed her twice, but it was the first bath we had given to her. It really wasn’t so bad. Ken ran some warm water in the kitchen sink and got her wet. I got the puppy shampoo and lathered her up. Then Ken sprayed her off with the sink sprayer. She was pretty tolerant of all that. After toweling her off, I got the non-slip mat and the hair dryer and we started to blow dry her.

She did not like that at all. So we went back to the towels and just rubbed most of the water off her and then let her dry. We’ll try the hair dryer another time.

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