Thursday, December 7, 2006

Over the River and Through the Woods

One evening every week, we go to Barberton to take Grandma and Grandpa out to dinner and to bring them groceries. We put Rudy in his crate in Wooster when we leave, about 4:45, and he is fine until we get home about 8:30. When we first got Emme, we knew that she wouldn't be able to stay in her crate that long without a break so we began taking her with us. So we started a new routine. We put Rudy in his crate, load Emme's crate and the groceries into Ken's car and Ken, Emme and I drive to Barberton. She looks out the window as we are driving around town, but as we hit Route 585, she snuggles up in my lap and sleeps the rest of the trip. Grandma and Grandpa really look forward to Emme's visit. When we come into their house, usually Grandpa meets us at the door. Then Emme has to lick his face to say hello. He calls her "Tidbit" and talks to her for a while as we unload groceries. By then, Grandma comes into the living room with her walker. Emme dashes up to her to get scratched and talked to. After the groceries are put away, we put Emme in her crate and the four of us go out to eat. Emme puts up no fuss being put in her crate in a strange house. She is quiet when we leave and is quiet when we get home. We always go to the same Italian restaurant, Angie's, and we always order the same things: three spaghettis with mushrooms for Ken, Grandma and me and one small pizza for Grandpa. We always have the same waitresses, either Gena or Bonnie. I guess Bichons are not the only ones that thrive on routine. Chet and Leota both love to see Emme each Wednesday night and Emme is delighted to see them. Riding to Barberton and back home again with a warm puppy sleeping in my lap is one of the highlights of my week.

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