Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rudy's in Love

Rudy has fallen in love with the really big lovie. He spends hours a day mouthing the lovie or napping with his paws around it. Since we have two identical bears, I am not sure if it always the same one, or if he shares his favors between the two. Emme is a little put out. When Rudy is with his lovie, Emme tries to pull the lovie away from Rudy which results in frequent low growls from Rudy. This usually continues until Emme gets tired of the game, Ken or I get the "Enforcer" (the plant mister) and tell Emme to leave it or Rudy gives up and finds another toy. If that happens, it isn't long until Rudy is back again loving the really big lovie. Maybe this is because of Valentine's Day or maybe Spring is in the air and a young man's fancy turns to...bears?

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