Emme and Rudy are back from the kennel and all is well. Both dogs needed to get a lovie first thing and lie on the rug and love it up. All afternoon and evening, they returned to the lovies, Rudy to the really big bear and Emme to a smaller brown teddy bear. That must have been something they really missed while they were away from home because they don't seem to be able to get enough of it.
They don't seem to have forgotten anything while they were gone. They fell back into all the familiar routines. They were ready for bed early, however. We were watching a DVD, Word Play, and every time we reached for the remote, both dogs were convinced that it was time for bed. This went on from about 8 o'clock until we actually went to bed.
Emme turned one while we were on vacation so we are going to have a belated birthday celebration later this week. I think I am going to buy some dog ice cream called "Frosty Paws." It is supposed to look like ice cream but contains no sugar so it is appropriate for dogs. That and a new toy should make an excellent birthday celebration.
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