Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So Smart it is Scary

Emme is sometimes so smart it is scary. A few days ago we were getting ready to crate the dogs before we left the house. We put both dogs outside for one last "hurry up" and got out our coats. Ken, without saying a word, went to the treat jar to get a biscuit for each of the dogs. By then, both Rudy and Emme had figured out what was going on without anyone saying "nighty-nite" or "crate," both words we use when we are putting the dogs in the crates. The dogs just figured out what we were doing by the sequence of activities. Both dogs dashed for the family room and their crates. Rudy got into his crate, but the door to Emme's crate was blocked by some boxes of Christmas tree ornaments that had been pushed there. Knowing that she needed to get into the crate before she got her treat, Emme dashed into Rudy's crate with him. If her crate was unavailable, she was going into some crate to get that biscuit. Ken went over to Rudy's crate, discovered both dogs inside, moved the boxes and opened Emme's door and relocated Emme to her crate. What smart dogs! Emme knew she needed to be in a crate to get a treat and when hers was not available, she did the next best thing and bunked with Rudy. Sometimes it is scary to know how they figure things out.

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