Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just Another Throw Pillow

Our couch in the living room is Emme's window on the world. Often she sits on the back of the couch to look out the window. Other times, she looks like just another throw pillow, tucked down by the arm of the couch.

Yesterday Emme almost lost her prime viewing spot because I considered moving the couch. Last weekend, I won a huge fern as a door prize at a fall gardening seminar. I put the fern out on the porch where it looked wonderful but I needed to bring it in the house as we have had a few pretty cool nights and days. I wanted to place it in front of a window and thought about moving the living room couch to open up the area in front of that window. That didn't turn out to be a great idea because there seems to be no other location to put the couch in the living room so Emme's viewing spot was saved. We wound up moving the piano in the family room and placing the plant in front of that window.

So Emme can continue to monitor the activity in the neighborhood from her favorite spot. And she can continue to look like one of the throw pillows when she naps.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

Chloe did the exact same thing on the love seat - and I DID move it. She now "uses" the recliner chair as her perch, proving she's adaptable!