Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stuck in the Basement

Rudy likes to go downstairs in the basement, especially when Ken is working down there. Periodically, however, Rudy doesn't want to come back up the basement stairs. The stairs are open and we don't know if that is the problem. Maybe they look scary to him. We have wondered if it is a problem with his joints that he doesn't want to do the steps, but that never hinders him from going from the first floor to the second floor. Sometimes he bounds up the basement with no trouble. Other times, he stands at the bottom of the stairs and whines and barks. It is nearly impossible to convince him to come back up the stairs.

We have tried calling him, offering him a treat at the top of the stairs, and just leaving the light on and the door open and waiting for him to come up. These techniques seldom work. Rudy just stays at the bottom on the stairs, whining and barking.

Two things have often worked in the past. If we say "Do you want to do for a ride?" or "Do you want to eat dinner?" Rudy will sometimes dash up the stairs. Recently we have discovered the ultimate solution. When Rudy is whining at the bottom of the stairs, refusing to come up to the first floor, all we need to do is ring the doorbell. Rudy cannot resist finding out who is at the door and he runs up the steps. Every problem has a solution. The doorbell is the solution to getting Rudy back up stairs.

1 comment:

Darlene Dolan said...

I have dogs that won't climb up stairs with hard surfaces, only the stairs with carpet. I know for the several 10 to 14 year olds, it's probably an arthritic problem. We know, a couple have slipped and fallen down them and now are afraid and they insist on being carried. Rudy is a little big for that. Maybe putting something on the stairs that will give him a little traction. He may have had a bad experience with the stairs in his early years. I know the frustration. We have rubber treads on the outside stairs to the run, but still have to carry up several of the Bichons when they are taken out to potty. Good luck. They doorbell sounds like the trick! Oh, just FYI, there is a product sold in most of the catalogs that can be rubbed into a dogs foot pads which will give them traction. Have a great week.