Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rub My Belly

Emme had her stitches taken out yesterday and it was no big deal. Her incision has healed nicely and the vet cut the stitches out without causing Emme any pain. Emme can now roll over on her back to have her belly rubbed.

When the incision was new, Emme would begin to roll over and as soon as her incision touched the rug, she would immediately hop back up. I know it was not comfortable for her. The last few days she did try to lie on her back to turn her belly up for rubbing. That still must have felt strange with the stitches in and she would hop up quickly. Now the incision is healed and the stitches removed. She can lie comfortably on her back. Belly rubs are now in order. Life is back to normal.


Honeygo Beasley said...

Rub a dud, tum ...

That's a belly rub from Chloe!

: ) Smiles

Honeygo Beasley said...

Psst, I gave you an award:
click here.