Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Mama Gorilla is a Multi-tasker

Big Mama Gorilla is Emme's favorite toy. Rudy, on the other hand, has many favorites. Usually by the time we have finished breakfast, Rudy has gotten out three or four different stuffies and has spent some time loving each one of them. He spends a few minutes with each lovie and then moves on to the next one. Not Emme. It is Big Mama Gorilla or nothing.

Big Mama Gorilla is Emme's nap buddy. After lunch, if a nap is on the schedule, all I need to say to Emme is "Get your lovie for a nap" and she dashes around the house to see where she has left Big Mama Gorilla. She grabs hold of her and runs for the couch on the porch or the family room. Sometimes she needs a boost to get both of them up on the pillows or the arm of the couch and then she is ready to settle in for some quiet time.

Big Mama Gorilla is also useful for a game of tug-of-war. Emme loves to grab some part of Big Mama Gorilla and pull while Ken or I tug on the other end. Some how this is a great game.

Big Mama Gorilla is also Emme's solace. If Emme is reprimanded for anything, such as making a racket, barking at someone on the street, Emme has to rush to Big Mama Gorilla for comfort. This must make her feel better because she always does this if she is scolded or shot with the plant mister.

Another task for Big Mama Gorilla is just being there when Emme wants some quiet loving. Emme with lie down and grab Big Mama Gorilla with her mouth. She mouths the stuffie almost like she is nursing and pushes her feet alternately against the side of Big Mama Gorilla and begins to fall asleep.

I don't know what Emme would do without Big Mama Gorilla.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

That is so sweet. Big Momma Gorilla sure comes in handy! I'd love to see a video showing all of those situations! How about that?