Friday, March 26, 2010

"Welcome Sweet Springtime..."

I guess I shouldn't be surprised when we get a March snow storm in Ohio. When we were married 45 years ago on March 20, we were married in a snow storm. I usually expect that we will have snow around our anniversary. This year, however, was a fooler. We had such warm weather and we were wearing light jackets on the 20th. No snow then or for days after. Until last night. A rain storm turned to ice and snow when the temperature dropped. So we had another spring time storm.

Emme is not crazy about going out in the rain or even when the ground is wet and soggy after a storm. In contrast, she loves snow. She has no difficulty going outside to take care of her business and eat a little snow a couple times a day.

The good thing about March snows is that they melt quickly. Our weather is predicted to go into the 60's by Wednesday. Welcome Sweet Springtime!

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

In your case, may March snow bring April flowers!
Happy anniversary and weekend!