Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Emme's First Hair Cut

Well, we went to the groomer and Emme looks SO different. Her hair is short, short, short! She really did need to have her hair cut, but this is too short. I guess it is a problem with my communication with the groomer. I told her that I wanted her cut short, but not so short that her skin showed through. I was envisioning more hair than this. I looked on the internet for pictures of Bichons with a "puppy cut" but was unable to find anything that looked like I wanted her. Then I looked in my Bichon book and found only pictures of Bichons in "show coat" and little puppies that hadn't yet been groomed. Lacking a picture, I just described what I wanted and I guess I was not clear enough. The groomer says that the hair will grow about an inch in between visits. I think that when I take her back in 8 weeks, I may tell the groomer, "Just a little off the top." I think that I want her hair about 3/4 of an inch long. Short enough to take care of easily but long enough that it is fluffy. Right now she has so little hair that she feels very different. I miss petting the Old Emme. Ken says not to fret, because the hair will grow back. I am waiting.

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