Tuesday, November 14, 2006


We picked up Emme at 10 this morning. She was so excited to see us. The vet assistant walked her out into the lobby and when Emme saw me she started wiggling and peeing. She has never done that before, but I don't think she has ever been so glad to see us. She had a "normal spay" and during the surgery, they discovered an umbilical hernia which they went ahead and repaired. She has dissolvable stitches so she does not have to return to the vet's. She has some pain medication she will take for the next five days and she is not to be bathed for 10-14 days. We are also to watch her activity level for the next 10-14 days.

As soon as she came home she went outside and peed twice. Then she wanted to be held and cuddled. She has been on the couch with me and a quilt or on Ken's chair with Ken and a quilt. I tried to give her some lunch, but she was not interested. I think she ate breakfast late so we are just going to wait until dinner to give her more food.

She has sad eyes. She jumps up occasionally and tires to lick the incision so I know that she is not feeling all that well. When I am not feeling well, I want to be in my own home wrapped up in a quilt. I think that Emme needs the same thing. I had a dentist's appointment for this afternoon that I cancelled so I can just be home with Emme. I think we both need that.

Rudy went to the vet's yesterday to have his bandage changed. The vet said that the foot is healing well, but the surgery spot was moist from seepage and licking. Now he has a new, dry bandage and he seems to be much more comfortable. Rudy returns to the vet's on Monday to have his sutures removed.

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