Monday, November 13, 2006


I took Emme to the vet's this morning to be spayed. Doesn't she seem to be little for this? Our vet said that this was the time and I am following his recommendation. It was so hard taking her in this morning and leaving her at the vet's. She started trembling as we entered the office and while I was filling out forms, she was shaking so hard the hair on her head was bouncing. The surgery is scheduled for this morning and I can call in after 2 o'clock to see how she is doing. I pick her up tomorrow morning after 10 AM and that can't come soon enough. She has wormed her way into my heart and I will miss her tremendously.

Rudy goes back to the vet today to have his bandage changed. He licks the bandage a lot and I have started putting a sock over the bandage to try to get him to stop. It is moderately successful. He is on antibiotics and pain medication and seems to be doing well.

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