Emme has this housebreaking system down. Whenever she needs to go outside, she whines at the kitchen door. She is consistent and reliable with no accidents for a long, long time. But recently she has developed a new twist to the system: whenever Rudy needs to go outside, she needs to go outside with him. Not before him. Not after him. With him. It doesn't matter if she has just gone out 20 minutes before, she needs to go out with him. So I put the big red retractable lead on Rudy and the little blue retractable lead on Emme and we all three go outside. I manage to get down the porch stairs without tripping over either of them and they each head for just the right spot of grass. They each do their business and we go back inside. They both go into the kitchen and stand by the treat jar with an expectant look. If I am not quick getting there, they just sit nicely and point their noses up to the jar. I pull out a few pieces of lamb and rice kibble and give to each of them and they are both happy. Until the next time Rudy has to go outside...
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