Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I Don't Want No Stinkin' Baby Food

Emmy has expressed a strong dislike for puppy food and a preference for adult food. On the recommendation of our breeder, we have been feeding Emme a puppy food, Hunchen Flocken, made by the Solid Gold company. Its claim to fame is it is composed of all natural ingredients, with no artificial dyes or other chemicals. We have been very pleased with the recommendation. Emme is healthy and strong and obviously thriving on this food.

We continue to struggle with Rudy's allergies and although we feed him Purina One Lamb and Rice, we began to wonder if there was a better food on the market. We researched dog food on the web and came to the conclusion that the adult food made by Solid Gold, Hund Flocken, might be better for Rudy. Although we had a HUGE bag of the Purina left, we purchased a bag of Solid Gold adult food and began to mix it with Rudy's food. He loved it, although he loves anything edible.

We also started putting a few pieces of the kibble on top of Emme's food. It was love at first bite. Emme loves the adult food. It was like why eat farina when you can have lasagna? When she leaves food in her dish, she leaves only puppy food, never the adult kibble. We have continued to mix the two foods and now Emme has put her foot, or is it paw, down. She doesn't want any stinkin' puppy food. Although we have a third of a bag of puppy food left, we may just make the final switch to adult food. Emme seldom eats the puppy food in her dish. She picks out the adult food and leaves the rest. Ken says, under his breath, that she is a stubborn woman who is going to do things her own way, just like her owner. I say she is a strong woman who knows her own mind.

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