Emme has always been a good, if indifferent, eater. She eats a few pieces of kibble, carries a few pieces to the waiting rug to eat them there, comes back to her dish to eat a few more pieces of kibble, goes to get a drink of water, wanders into the living room to make sure she is not missing anything, returns to eat a few more pieces of kibble, etc. This goes on for about 10 minutes until she eats all or most of her meal. Lately, there has been a change. She continues the above process for dinner, but for breakfast, she is not interested in eating anything. Sometimes I can hand feed her two or three kibbles of food, but then she is done and she lies down on the waiting rug. Ken has started picking her up on his lap and hand feeding her kibble. She doesn't eat it all, but she does eat some on Ken's lap. I wonder if she is telling us that she only wants to eat one meal a day or if she is just enjoying the attention of having Ken hand feed her. If only puppies came packaged with an instruction manual.
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