Friday, June 1, 2007

Puffs Plus

I bet when Procter and Gamble make tissues, they don't know how versatile Puffs Plus are. In addition to their use for personal hygiene, they can be a dog toy or even a dog snack.

Rudy has been in love with tissues as long as we have had him. He loves them, clean or used, and he EATS them. He will go through waste baskets to find them, snatch them off of end tables, and even root in pockets to try to find a tissue.

This morning, Emme was not with me in my sewing room when I was checking my email. That was most unusual because she is almost always within my arm's reach. If she is not with me, she may be with Ken but today he was already gone for the day before I went upstairs. When I went to look for Emme, she was in our bedroom, beside our bed, with a pile of moist shredded tissue pieces all over the rug. It is amazing how many pieces she could make out of one tissue. I don't know where she got it. She must have pulled one out of a waste basket or off the night stand. She didn't eat it, but it was a wonderful dog toy. Fun!

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