Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do Dogs Like Fruit?

Do dogs like fruit and vegetables? Emme and Rudy do. When I go into the kitchen to prepare a meal or snack, Emme and Rudy come into the room and do a "down stay" on the floor. As I cut up fruits and vegetables, I often give each dog a tiny bite. Knowing that grapes and raisins, as well as chocolate, are dangerous to dogs, I never give them bites of these but they have tasted a variety of other foods. They eat slices of bananas, apples, watermelon, cantaloupe, red and green bell peppers, carrots, peaches, tomatoes, and many others. So far the only reject has been celery. I don't know if it is the consistency or the taste, but neither dog likes it. Who knew that dogs would eat fruit?

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

My Bichon, Chloe, likes watermelon and applesauce. She also has carrots and peas. I try to limit her "extas" such as these, due to something called oxilates that can cause stones - in humans and Bichons. I once read on a Bichon site that the only extras she could have were pasta, popcorn, peas, chicken or turkey white meat, and gosh, I guess that was it. Such a limited list. I added a few extras, but try to keep it to a minimum.