Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Drink of Water

Both Emme and Rudy know where water comes from. They go to their dish to get a drink and if it is empty, they go to the sink and look expectantly at the faucet. I think that is amazing. They know that we fill the pitcher at the sink to put water in their bowl.

They watch everything we do and can figure out so much. They know that late at night when Ken pushes the button on the TV remote, that it is time to go to bed. Rudy knows that when he comes inside from doing a "hurry up" and we leave his collar on that he is going for a ride in the car. They both know that when it is nap time they run for the couch, often with their lovies. They know that when we lock the door to the porch they will go to their crates for "Nighty-nite." They know that when I go into the kitchen to prepare a meal that they should do a down stay on the kitchen floor and wait for a hand out. How did they get so smart?

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