When Emme first goes downstairs in the morning, she wants to play "Go Get." She sits by my feet and I say, "Go get Ken" and she dashes across the room to Ken. She sits at his feet to be petted and then he says "Go get Mary Lou." Back across the room she dashes with a doggie smile on her face. She loves the game so much, but I think she likes the running part best.
Ken says we are just human goal posts that Emme dashes between. Sometimes she is so excited to run back and forth that she barely sits to get petted. Occasionally she is so caught up in the game, she doesn't get all the way across the room before she changes directions to go back where she came from. After may runs across the room, Emme is panting and begins to slow down. Finally when the coffee is finished, we end the game so we can sit down and read the paper. Some things never change. "Go Get" never gets old.
I love, love, love it! Please make a video of that game. For now, I can just imagine how cute and fun it must be to play "Go get!" with you, Ken and Emme.
What does Rudy do while this is happening, btw???
Rudy either sits quietly by my feet or next to Ken. He wants to be petted, but does not want to race back and forth across the room.
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