Saturday, March 10, 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

Recently, my sister-in-law Linda sent me photographs of spring-flowering trees in Texas. Eric emailed me that the National Park Service is predicting that the cherry blossoms will open April 1-7 in Washington, DC. And in Ohio it is winter, at least until yesterday. We had a warm sunny day with temperatures in the 50's and it was wonderful. We went for walks. We spent some time on the porch after lunch. I read, Rudy slept, and Emme watched every squirrel, bird and dry leaf that moved in the back yard and barked at most of them.

Emme loves the sunshine. While Rudy seeks out the coldest places: the ceramic tile in the front hall, the porch floor, snow banks, and mud puddles, Emme looks for patches of sunshine. Whenever there is a spot of sunshine on the floor, Emme finds it and lies down. She may be as happy as I am that spring is finally coming.

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