Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Never Met a Quilt She Didn't Like

Emme has never met a quilt she didn't like. Any time she sees a quilt, she runs to it and lies down. Emme has a small quilt in Ken's car so she can be wrapped up until the car warms up. The dogs have two small turquoise quilts that lie on the rug and usually there is a dog on one or both of the quilts. Both Ken and I have quilts folded up on the back of our chairs and as soon as one of these quilts is opened and thrown over our legs, Emme jumps up on our legs and settles down for a long rest. She stays until our legs go to sleep from lack of movement, then we relocate her so we can get some circulation back into our legs. If a quilt should happen to drop to the floor, as soon as is it touches the rug it has a small white dog curled up on it. Happiness is any quilt within reach.

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