Sunday, December 30, 2007

Not Too Bad

Emme and Rudy were not too bad over Christmas. We had lots of visitors, food and presents and both dogs behaved themselves pretty well.

Emme did create a new game called "Bow" in the last few days before Christmas. She discovered that if she went up to a wrapped present sitting under the Christmas tree and repeatedly bumped the bow with her nose, frequently the bow would fall off. Then when it was loose from the package and lying on the rug, Emme could grab it, chew it, fling it up into the air and generally turn the bow into a dog toy. I rescued a few bows from the game before they became totally tattered.

Both dogs were good around all the food. We don't give table food to either dog so they are not into begging, but food was everywhere: in the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. Rudy is large enough that he could just reach up on the kitchen counter and help himself to anything that was sitting there and he did not. Emme could have swiped cookies and treats off people's dishes, but she did not.

There were many presents being unwrapped and often lying on the floor. Neither dog turned any of them into dog toys.

Both dogs did too much barking when delivery people or visitors came to the door and took too much time to settle down afterwards. All in all, however, they were pretty good for Christmas.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

What a joy to have your dogs be so well behaved, especially with company during the holiday festivities in your home!