Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Call Me Timex

We could call Emme Timex because she is the keeper of the schedule. Every evening, she decides when we should go to bed. Out of the blue she starts with a particular whine that she only uses when she is reminding us that it is bed time.

The trouble is, she often starts whining about 8:15. She is insistent that it is bed time and will go from Ken to me and back again trying to convince us that it is time for bed. I don't know what is so appealing to the dogs about going to bed. Both dogs LOVE to go upstairs to bed. They each get a puppy biscuit in the bedroom but I can hardly believe that is the motivating factor. They love to go to bed and Emme tries to get us to go to bed as early as possible.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

Oh, I think that biscuit has a lot to do with it. Think of it - a biscuit to a little dog is like ... like ... a piece of cake or something! It just seems so small to us, but to them, it's A HUGE THING. Anyway, my little Chloe bichon whines in the morning - to get get out of bed. Is that a bichon thing??? And she goes to bed around the same time as your Emme...