Thursday, March 12, 2009

Attention to Details

In addition to the wonderful coffee pot that Ken uses to make our breakfast coffee with whole beans, we have a Tassimo coffee machine that makes single cups of coffee. We use it for many kinds of hot beverages: regular coffee, decaf, lattes, tea, and hot chocolate. Every week we go to Canton to take groceries to Ken's parents and take them out to dinner. Almost every time we go, I make a cup of coffee for each of us to drink as we drive across Route 30. Both dogs know this.

They watch very closely everything we do and yesterday when I started the Tassimo, Rudy dashed to his crate. Making Tassimo in the afternoon must mean that we are getting ready to leave for Grandma's and Grandpa's and the dogs will have to go to their crates while we are gone. Some times it is scary how much the dogs notice and how they put these clues together.

I have just finished a fascinating book Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin . Dr. Grandin is a college professor who is autistic and she writes about both people with autism and about animals. In her book, she talks about animals being hyper sensitive to specific details in their environment. I think Rudy and the Tassimo is an excellent example of this.

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