Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Position A, Position B

Every morning at this house we have the same routine. Ken and Rudy get up first. Ken takes Rudy out and then makes a pot of coffee. About a half hour later, Emme and I get up. As soon as we come downstairs, Emme has to play "Go Get." I sit on the living room couch so she can jump up next to me and I can pet her. After a few minutes, I say "Go get Ken." Ken sits at his place at the dining room table and Emme dashes over to him and sits down in front of him. She is so excited that she wiggles all around. Ken reaches down to pet her for a while and then says "Go get Mary Lou." Emme dashes back to me, jumps on the couch and gets petted. Then we repeat this over and over until Emme is panting and too tired to jump back up on the couch. Then she gets Big Mama Gorilla for some quiet morning loving.

All this time, Rudy is with one of his lovies. But always in the same location. When we begin, he brings his lovie over by the couch where I am sitting and settles into "Position A." He ignores all Emme's crazy running, even when she dashes right by his nose or occasionally jumps over him. After Emme is done playing "Go Get" I go to my chair at the dining room table for a cup of coffee, my DS, Sudoko and the newspaper and Rudy goes gets up to relocate to "Position B" right by Ken's chair at the table.

Every morning, the exact same routine. Who's in a rut?

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