Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coffee Breath

Emme often has doggy breath but for a while last weekend, she had coffee breath. I noticed one afternoon that she was chewing on something dark and hard. I thought that it was some mulch that she or Rudy had tracked in on their feet.

Both of them love to go into the flower beds and take care of business in the mulch. This makes me crazy because I think this spring I am going to have some deformed tulips or hosta from their deposits. But Emme and Rudy sneak into the flower beds as often as possible and often track little pieces of mulch into the house.

This time however the dark object was a coffee bean. We have a wonderful coffee machine that grinds coffee beans to make a pot of coffee. Every morning Ken makes a pot of this wonderful coffee and we really enjoy it. When we washed the coffee pot the last time, an unground bean must have dropped on to the floor. And Emme found it. I took it away from her, but she had already eaten about half of it. Her breath smelled like Starbucks. This was an improvement.

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