Sunday, May 6, 2007

10.4 pounds

When Emme went to the veterinarian on Friday she was weighed. At 10.4 pounds, Emme is fully grown or almost most fully grown. 10.4 pounds. My son, Eric, has a cat that weighs twice as much. I have a friend who has two Siberian Huskies that were born in December and one weighs 20 pounds and one 26.

Emme is just the right size. I can pick her up easily. I can hold her in my arms without much effort. I can put her up on top of the dryer in the laundry room to groom her. I can bathe her in the kitchen sink. I can ride in the car with her on my lap. I can nap with her right beside me, or sometimes on top of me. Emme is 10.4 pounds of pleasure.

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