Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New PJ's

Before I had Emme, I used to sleep in a night shirt. After we got the puppy, I was uncomfortable going outside late at night and early in the morning with so little on, so I started wearing sweats and tee shirts to sleep in. This worked out fine for months as we got Emme in September when the nights were beginning to get cold and the house cooled down at night. I was comfortable and warm in my sweats and felt appropriate taking Emme outside dressed in them. Now the weather is warming up and the sweats are too warm to sleep in. Yesterday I went shopping and bought a few pairs of lightweight summer sleep pants. I can wear them outside with a tee shirt and feel dressed enough if I encounter a neighbor while Emme is taking care of business. I knew that having a puppy would change my life, but who knew it would change my pajamas.

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