Monday, May 28, 2007

Kennel Cough

Rudy now has kennel cough. He began coughing yesterday which was Sunday and is coughing a lot today which, of course, is Memorial Day. It will be tomorrow before we can get him to the vet's for some antibiotics to kick this. Although both dogs were vaccinated against kennel cough, bordatella, I understand that only provides partial protection. Kennel cough is composed of a group of related strains, like the common cold or flu, and the vaccination only covers some of the strains. If the kennel cough they get exposed to is different than the ones in the vaccination, they will catch it. Which both Emme and Rudy did. Emme is doing fine on the antibiotics she got last week and I am sure that tomorrow morning when Rudy gets medication, he will do well also. We are planning a quiet day because activity exacerbates the coughing. We plan to be quiet and low key so Rudy will stay still and cough less. I hope it works.
We had guests for the weekend. Our son and daughter-in-law came from Washington DC to help pack up Grandma and Grandpa for their move next week to an independent living unit. The dogs loved seeing them again and even Emme seemed to remember them from their last visit. It has been since Christmas that they were in Ohio but both dogs started out right where they left off at the last visit: playing, being petting, licking toes, sitting on laps, wrestling and all those activities they love to do with friends. It is amazing what dogs remember.

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