Monday, January 29, 2007

26 Foot Leash

Recently I went to the pet store and bought a retractable 26 foot leash for Emme. She is fascinated with the snow and loves to run in the back yard and I don't want her out there without a leash. Each morning Ken goes out to play fetch with Rudy and recently he has been taking Emme out on the long leash to play fetch. She is so excited when he is outside with Rudy that she sits in the kitchen by the back door and watches them and whines. When it is her turn, she wags her tail and her entire body and dashes outside. Ken throws a little ball for her and she runs to fetch it. She does grab it up in her mouth and begin running, but not to Ken. Every time, she dashes toward the porch. She is going to take that ball inside and keep it forever. Ken is trying to teach her that part of the game of fetch is returning to the person and giving back the ball. She hasn't gotten that part of it yet, but she loves to go outside to play on the long leash.

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