Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Signs of Encouragement

Recently I think I have seen some signs of encouragement that Emme may be “getting it.” This morning at breakfast, she went over to the speaker wire, laid down about eight inches away and barked at it but did not touch it. It was almost like a toddler going up to something that he knows he should not touch and telling himself, “No, no.” She wanted that wire, but she didn’t touch it. Yesterday she whined at the door to go outside to do her business. Last night while I was curled up in a quilt watching TV, she jumped up on my chest and slept there for about 45 minutes.

This was all much better than yesterday morning. I had taken Emme outside three times between 6 AM and 10 AM. Then about five minutes before I had to leave to go to the dentist, I was taking a bagel out of the refrigerator to carry with me for my lunch. Emme walked about three feet away from me and peed on the dining room carpet. I was livid. I caught her in the act and said, “No, no, bad dog” and carried her out to the porch. I was mad, frustrated, and at my wit’s end. I left the house wondering if she was ever going to be housebroken. While I was gone, Ken got on the computer and wrote this for the Pupdate to cheer me up and encourage me. I read it when I got home and I really needed it. I am copying it into the pupdate:

Ken wrote: “Into every relationship there comes challenging times that test each side’s patience and tolerance. Fortunately I am an observer of the evolving relationship between Mary Lou and Emme. I get to see the love that Mary Lou has for her puppy and the thoughtfulness and care that she shows many times daily in helping Emme grow into a healthy and happy dog. I see Emme go searching for Mary Lou when she has left the room and hear her whine when she cannot find her. I see both of them snuggle down together on the couch for a nap. It is a joy to see Mary Lou so happy and Emme so connected to her.
However, I think we are in one of those “challenging times.” Intellectually we knew we were getting a dog with a strong personality and a breed that had a reputation as hard to house break. Mary Lou has patiently endured four months of cold and wet weather for early morning and late evening trips outside to teach her what is correct to do. We have rewarded good behaviors and criticized the bad behaviors. But we are not quite there yet. There are times Emme will whimper at the door to go out and then, a day later, she will pee on the floor directly in front of Mary Lou. To work so hard to train her and then experience such a blatant set back must be hard for Mary Lou to take.
The thing that gives me hope is one of Mary Lou’s sayings as she has dealt with Emme. When Emme is being stubborn and won’t do what Mary Lou wants she will often say to Emme, “Listen girl, I am bigger than you and I am more stubborn than you. You’re going to end up doing what I want anyway.” Hopefully, Emme will realize that she might as well cede now rather than later. With love to both, Ken”

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