Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Always the Last Word

Our next door neighbors have sold their house and yesterday morning they were loading a moving van to take all their furniture to Tennessee. Emme and Rudy were on guard. All morning long, Rudy would run to the window in Ken's office to monitor the activities on the street. Emme would jump onto the couch in the living room and hop up to the top of the back of the couch to get the best view. And they would bark. Rudy was a little more responsive to commands, but Emme just continued to bark. So I got out the "enforcer" AKA the plant mister. When Emme got all wound up, I would say "Quiet." If she didn't stop, I would spray her with the plant mister. She would issue one last "Woof" and then be quiet. Then another sound would come from the movers and it would start all over again. Always with Emme getting in one last word. I guess I should feel comforted that if we are ever under attack from marauding furniture movers, I will know about it.

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