Monday, January 1, 2007

Just Do It

At the lake house, there are two open steps leading from the deck to the grass where Emme does her business. Up until now, she was afraid of those steps and although she would walk up them, she would not walk down them. I think the openness made her unsure of herself. When she went outside, she would just stay on the top step and whine to get down on the grass. Well, we went to the lake house for the weekend and Emme can now do the steps. I didn't even realize it the first time I took her outside, she just went down the steps and did a "hurry up." It wasn't until the second trip outside that I realized that she was going down the steps. She forgot that she couldn't do the steps and she just did it. Maybe there is a lesson in here for the new year. Some times I, like many people, don't do things because I think I can't. Maybe I just have to get over it, forget that I can't do it and Just Do It. Having a puppy is a learning experience. Emme learns from me and I learn from her. Happy New Year.

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