Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The ADHD Game

Some mornings, Ken plays a game with Emme that could be called the "Attention Deficient/Hyperactivity Disorder" game. And Emme loves it. Ken picks up a stuffie, says, "I'm Big Momma Gorilla" and tosses it in the air. Emme dashes to the toy, picks it up in her mouth and Ken immediately gets another toy. That goes into the air with the announcement, "I'm a little bear" or "I'm a hedgehog" or "I'm a rabbit." Emme immediately drops the toy in her mouth and dashes to grab the one just tossed in the air. Ken keeps grabbing and tossing stuffies and Emme spends about a nano-second with each before she drops it to run and grab the next one. This continues until Emme is panting with exhaustion. Then it is time to lie on the rug next to Ken for some loving. Good game!

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

We play a similar game with Chloe and her many balls, and she does the same thing!